towing flatbed trucktowing flatbed truck

Towing Service

Call 978-549-8521
24 hour towing.
Roadside assistance. 
Lock out and tire change.
Battery jump. Winch out.
Towing near me Athol, Orange.

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  Wayne Adams Towing is NOT a AAA service provider, but if Triple A is unable to provide you service in a timely manner, members can pay out-of-pocket and may complete the   AAA Northeast Roadside Assistance Reimbursement Form  along with an itemized paid receipt from Adams Towing, to be considered for partial or full reimbursement of services, allowing up to three weeks for processing. AAA Northeast serves members in MA, NH, CT, NJ, NY, and RI.

Wayne Adams Towing
 Orange, MA 01364
Our towing company is located two miles from Route 2, near US-202 Daniel Shays Highway and MA-2 The Mohawk Trail.

Towing near me: local towing and roadside assistance in Orange, Athol, Erving, New Salem, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston, Warwick, MA, Richmond, NH, and surrounding towns.

Vehicle tow service on Rt 2, US-101, Rt. 2A, Rte 202, Rt 32, I-91, I-190, I-495, Mass Pike I90, the Berkshires; Amherst, Barre, Belchertown, Deerfield, East Templeton, Fitchburg, Gardner, Greenfield, Hadley, Leverett, Leominster, Millers Falls, Montague, Northfield, Pelham, Templeton, Westminster, MA, Fitzwilliam, NH, Vernon, VT, Springfield, Chicopee, Holyoke, West Springfield, Winchendon, Worcester, MA, Keene,  New Hampshire, Nashua, NH, Swanzey, NH, Vernon, Vermont, Brattleboro, VT, Enfield, Connecticut, Hartford, CT, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Providence, RI, New York state, and more.

Interstate towing and long distance hauling on the East Coast, New England from Massachusetts to New Hampshire towing, Maine, New York.